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Master the Art and Science of Breathwork

Empower your clients to overcome
stress, anxiety and pain using
Functional and Therapeutic Breathwork


Master the Principles of Breathwork
to Enhance Client Results 
and Elevate Your Practice

This program is for the type of practitioner who wants to be confident in working with the real challenges we are facing today:

Stress, Anxiety, Pain, Fatigue 

Issues that stem from a chronic disruption of the bodies innate balance.

​Let’s be honest, the health and wellness space today is saturated with quick fixes and surface level solutions.
But you know there is more to health than the suppression of symptoms.

As a practitioner, you want to stand out and create positive transformation with your clients.

I spent years as a physiotherapist, frustrated, and feeling like something was missing.
The puzzle piece fell into place when I discovered the breath. I began using breathwork with my clients and I noticed a dramatic shift. All of a sudden I was able to effectively address the underlying driver of many of the issues 
my clients were presenting with.


Due to its impact on physiology and the nervous system, breathwork is incredibly versatile.
It has both a rich history and strong scientific evidence base, and has stood the test of time
across cultures, traditions, and religions.

Functional + Therapeutic Breathwork is a comprehensive training program created specifically for health practitioners.



Hi, I'm Campbell. I've been a physiotherapist for over a decade working in hospitals and clinics around the world. Six years ago, I tried a breathwork session led by Wim Hof--the biggest name in Breathwork at the time.

But what I thought would be a quick session to feel good was life-changing.
It completely changed my outlook on health and performance. This led me to learn everything I could about breathwork and the impact it has on health and performance. Diving into this practice helped me improve my energy, focus, stress, sleep and mood.

But the biggest impact came when I started sharing this work.

Over the the years, I've combined my physiotherapy knowledge with the science of breathwork and have seen profound shifts in client results.

Today, I run my own breath coaching practice with hundreds of satisfied clients, and have trained over 150 health professionals, helping them use breathwork
to increase demand for their services, achieve faster results for their clients
and make more money in their business.


We are also fortunate to be supported by a team of passionate teachers, all of who are graduates of the
Functional and Therapeutic Breathwork program.

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Trauma, Somatics & Embodiment

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Fitness Specialist.
Mindbody Connection

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Yoga + Meditation Teacher.

Self Awareness + Balance


When creating the Functional and Therapeutic Breathwork Program, we tried to see where other breathwork certifications fell short.


We found 5 common issues in many programs:


Most breathwork certification programs teach methods, techniques, and hacks - not principles.


They tell you WHAT to do, but they don't show you WHY you should do that. Many leave these sorts of courses with a basic understanding of breathwork and struggle to integrate it into their practice therefore unable to create lasting results for clients.


The methods most programs use don't get to the root of the problem.


You may learn how to take people through an amazing breathwork session, but one hour of good breathing is not enough to repair the 22,000 breaths we take in a day, which is what MOST people are needing to fix.


Most programs present a cliché view of breathwork.


They present breathwork as laying down in a dark room, crying and yelling out loud. But efficient breathwork can be practiced anywhere: at the office, in traffic, or before bed. You'll learn exactly how to do this for yourself and your clients.


Most programs ignore the safety aspect of breathwork.


Many breathwork teachers don't have a background in health. They are not familiar with safety guidelines and can't tailor the appropriate breathwork practice to their clients' needs.


Other programs promise your practice will be "filled with dream clients", but they don't give you ANY business advice.


They make you think the certification will pull clients toward you like a hungry crowd. Inside the Functional and Therapeutic  Program, you'll learn about business from someone who is running his own online business successfully. No hopeful theory, but tested material so you can learn how to craft, position and sell your offer to your ideal client AND get them the results they are seeking (we have an entire module dedicated to business).

Between Campbell's 10+ years of experience and motivation to spread these teachings far and wide, we were able to overcome these problems, and created the ONLY Breathwork program you will ever need.


By a practitioner, for practitioners.


Keep Your
Practice Safe


Tailor the experience to your client's needs, control the vibe of the room, and create an experience your clients won't easily forget. An entire module of the Practitioner Program is dedicated to safety.


Unique Teaching Principles

As a Physiotherapist, I like to look at the body as a whole with many systems being intertwined, I teach you how to uniquely incorporate breathwork into many different clinical settings and client situations. We aren't just teaching 'breathwork' and using popular methods. We are looking at breathwork and how it fits into the whole person.

Use Breath to Its Full Potential

Inside the program, you'll understand how the breath affects the nervous, cardiovascular, and lymphatic systems; how it interacts with blood flow, oxygen levels and inflammation and how it improves or hinders focus, energy and stress. You'll learn how breath interacts with each part of the body, and how to help your clients breathe optimally.

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Flexibility to Utilize It as You See Fit 


With this training, you can incorporate it both into your own practice with clients/patients OR you have the freedom and support to utilize this in its own setting as a unique, standalone offering. 

Increase Your Impact
& Profits


Breathwork can dramatically improve your clients outcomes. Inside the Program, you will learn tried and tested methods to create an offer, attract clients, and deliver them transformative results. You will also learn how to introduce Breathwork to your current clients, providing a holistic, multi-faceted approach to their health goals.


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Live Weekly & Monthly Calls with Campbell


There are weekly group coaching calls where we'll be able to solve your most pressing concerns in ALL topics: delivering results to clients, breaking down module information, or overcoming a particular problem. You'll also have monthly case study calls to help you understand the application of the breath in real life situations.


PLUS ... 

1 Month Free Access To Alumni Program


After completing the 12 weeks of training, you will have 1 month free access to our Alumni Program with additional clinical reasoning and business support calls. Collaborate with like-minded, well-rounded health professionals and build your knowledge base. Plus continue to join monthly calls, case studies & breathwork sessions.

Certified Under IPHM


Our program is certified under International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) allows you to practice as a certified breathwork instructor. You're eligible for liability insurance and professional registration. Plus, you will have credibility in the eyes of your clients or patients.

Learn with a Community on a Unique Platform


You will meet and learn from other professionals like yourself who are growing their business and developing their skills. Our community is hosted in Skool, a platform that is simple and easy to use, with no distractions (unlike Facebook).

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Let me say this training has been one of the best business and personal investments I've ever made. It taught me the biomechanics of breathing and just how important functional breathing is...
This is the foundation I teach my clients now... 


- Travis, Relationship Coach

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I have clients who deal with feelings that manifest within the body. While we can talk about it, it was challenging to treat the pattern somatically. This is the course I didn't even know I was missing. This is night and day different than any other breathwork course I've seen or tried.

- Melinda, Psychotherapist


Thanks to Wim Hof, James Nestor, Tony Robbins, World Class Athletes and A-List Celebrities, the popularity of breathwork has exploded in the last few years. In fact, Google searches for ‘Breathwork’ have increased by 500% over the last five years and Breathwork is now
the fastest-growing modality in the health industry.

But this isn’t why you should learn the principles of breathwork.

You should learn the principles of breathwork because right now we are at a tipping point.
Health outcomes are plummeting, rates of anxiety and depression are skyrocketing, mindbody syndromes and nervous system dysregulation are at an all time high.
The traditional healthcare system is on the verge of collapse.


We need a new approach.

One that focuses on systems rather than symptoms. That focuses on people rather than problems.
One that supports the function of the human body rather than tries to suppress it.


Breathwork isn't just a practice; it's a paradigm shift in how we approach health and personal growth. It's the missing piece that so many practitioners are searching for—the key that unlocks
the innate healing capacity we all possess.

It’s time we moved beyond symptom management and started addressing the root cause of our most pressing health challenges. That is most effectively done when we start at the foundation of human health: the breath.

Needless to say, breathwork is a powerful, in-demand modality and a necessary addition
to any health profession. 


Click below to apply to the Functional and Therapeutic Breathwork Practitioner Program.



  • Anatomy & Biomechanics
    Module one covers the journey of the breath starting from the entry points: mouth and nose. It is estimated that 30-50% of people in the world breathe through the mouth. This negatively impacts oral health, nervous system balance, posture and physiology. Conversely, nasal breathing is what we are evolutionarily and biologically designed to do. It benefits the body by improving diaphragm recruitment, optimising blood chemistry, and utilising a "miracle molecule" called nitric oxide. You'll learn how to improve diaphragm range of motion and function, and help your clients reap the benefits of diaphragmatic breathing: improved core and posture, enhanced cardiovascular and lymphatic function and even improved digestion. Exercises Inside the Practitioner Program, you will learn exercises to restore and retrain diaphragm function, such as how to find and reboot your diaphragm, plus a ribcage exercise and thoracic mobility.
  • Physiology and Biochemistry
    To master breathwork, you must understand the breath's journey: not just from outside the body to inside, but also its journey throughout the body and into your cells. This is the difference between ventilation and respiration. Understanding the role of carbon dioxide is absolutely vital in breathwork. CO2 is not "waste" as we’re so often taught. It has many important functions, but can also create problems. Improper breathing disrupts CO2 balance. This changes the pH of the blood and feels unsettling for most people—like stress or anxiety, and causes the brain to be on high alert. This is an extremely overlooked cause as to why many people live in a constant state of stress. How do you solve this? By increasing CO2 tolerance. To increase CO2 tolerance, you must first establish a baseline by measuring it. You will learn two assessments to establish your clients’ CO2 tolerance: BOLT score and Max Exhale Test. Additional exercises on increasing Nitric Oxide and using the "Physiological Sigh" are also covered.
  • Nervous System
    The relationship between the nervous system and the breath is critical. It starts with the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS is responsible for functions in the body outside of conscious control. For example, heart rate, digestion, and cellular repair. Because the ANS performs functions outside of our control, it is thought that we can't control the ANS. However, there's one ANS regulator we can consciously use: The breath. By controlling the breath, we are able to influence the autonomic nervous system. This means, helping direct the body to perform the processes outside our conscious control! This is one of the most effective skills you can have for yourself and others. Why? Because many people live in a state of constant stress. Our defenses are up all the time. Traffic, news, meetings, emails, all keeping our nervous system engaged as if we are being chased by a predator. This destroys our health. In a state of stress, the body’s repair systems are im paired. We lose energy, strength and vitality. Processes of recovery are neglected. The solution requires two parts. First, your client must have simple tools they can use at any time to influence the nervous system. You will learn two effective exercises for that: Up + Down Regulation, and Tummo Breathing Practice.
  • Emotions
    There is an intimate link between emotional states and respiratory patterns. When we are upset, we breathe a certain way. When we are excited, we breathe in a different way. Emotions are the driver of much of our behaviours. Unfortunately many of us have low emotional IQ, finding it difficult to differentiate between emotions. Am I angry or frustrated? People find it even more difficult to shift from one emotional state to another. Many practices tell you to "think positive" or "distract yourself". But the most effective way to deal with this is to go to the cause. That is, to actively shift the emotional state. Breathwork is a powerful tool in shifting between states and being able access and release ‘stuck’ emotions. Inside Functional and Therapeutic Breathwork, you'll find a set of exercises based on the principles of emotional regulation, such as an exercise called 'Open + Expand // Relax + Let Go'. Aside from mental wellbeing, there's one key reason why emotional regulation is critical for a state of optimal health. Coherence. This is when your body's systems interact harmoniously. Depleting emotions make our systems incoherent. The heart sends chaotic signals to the brain. We may experience this as anxiety or overwhelm. We can't think clearly, remember things, or make effective decisions. Coherence, on the other hand, feels like a sense of peace. Like the body and mind are working together. Like everything is happening as it should. Teaching clients to shift into a state of coherence allows for better decision making, emotional flexibility and a sense of calm amidst the chaos. The beauty is that when we repeatedly do something, we adapt to it. Helping your clients establish an ongoing, consistent practice will help to create a new baseline.
  • Performance & Recovery
    Breathwork is not just a conscious practice for emotional regulation and accessing altered states. It is also the fundamental basis of how to perform at our peak, and recover just as effectively. Unfortunately dysfunctional breathing is extremely prevalent in the athletic community. Whether someone is a beginner to exercise and looking to improve their cardiovascular health, or an elite level athlete looking to optimise their performance, breath is a critical (and overlooked) piece of the puzzle. We will learn how exercise can be a potent antidepressant, but how dysfunctional breathing can halt someone in their tracks before reaping the benefits. We will learn about the importance of intra-abdominal pressure, breath control, intermittent hypoxia and the phenomenon of blood stealing. You’ll learn how to teach someone an effective ‘gear’ system to optimise their breathing, energy production and waste management. We will look at simple but powerful assessments of ‘positional faults’ that commonly occur when someone lacks optimal control of their diaphragm. Just think - if you can’t effectively breathe in a certain position, you don’t have control of that position. This will lead us to the prescription of certain exercises to improve postural and respiratory control. How well someone performs is 100% dependent on how well they recover. Far too much emphasis is put on performance, with not enough on recovery. You will learn powerful strategies for reducing heart rate and blood pressure, managing blood flow, and shifting the nervous system into a state of recovery.
  • Safety
    I've been a physiotherapist for 10+ years. And I've seen pretty much every breathwork program out there. Most of them ignore the safety aspect. Breathwork does not need to be intense. Breathwork should not be one size fits all. You should learn to create a tailored approach for everyone you work with. That's why, inside Functional and Therapeutic Breathwork, we have a whole module dedicated to safety. In this module, you’ll learn: What types of breathwork should not be used with pregnant women, epilepsy patients, and patients with serious cardiovascular disease. How to appropriately support people who suffer from panic attacks, high anxiety, high blood pressure, migraines, severe trauma. How to help clients or patients with PTSD or trauma symptoms. (And how to recognise your own limitations as a facilitator and when to refer to dedicated professionals in this space) You’ll know how to create the right environment so your clients have a positive experience. Learning how to: "Read" the energy of the room and create a meaningful experience. Understand the role of music to facilitate emotional release, a relaxing experience, or a powerful reset. Use your pitch and tonality to create an auditory landscape for the experiences you create. We dive into the cause of common “symptoms” that breathwork practitioners are likely going to experience, such as: Tetany (muscle cramps, primarily in the hands). Why it happens, how to prevent it, and how to manage it if it comes up. Lightheadedness, dizziness, and physical tension. Fear, anxiety, apprehension And you’ll also learn a great exercise to release emotional tension.
  • Tools & Application
    Many breathwork techniques have limited application. They can only be practiced in a controlled environment: with the “right” music, laying down, and with no distractions. But what happens when someone is having a difficult conversation? Or they’re in a difficult situation at work? Or experiencing anxiety? Or low energy? You can’t always shut yourself off in a room, lock the door, kill the lights, and lay down on the floor to do a 30 minute breath session. Effective breathwork works anywhere, anytime, no matter the external situation. Inside Functional and Therapeutic Breathwork, you’ll learn how to adapt breathwork to your client’s needs, so they can use it in when they actually need it. Something we feel strongly about at Breath Body Therapy is the difference between principles and methods. You will be learning the principles that underlie all breathwork methods. You will learn several techniques that help with specific interventions, such as cyclical hyperventilation, buteyko breathing + resonance frequency breathing.
  • Guidance & Faciliation
    Now we begin to expand on what is covered in Modules 6 and 7. Breathwork is not only a science, but also an art. Yes, there’s an ideal structure for breathwork, just like there is for yoga, music, exercise. But you, as the individual facilitator can influence breathwork and tailor it to your client’s needs, for the results you aim to create for them. You’ll learn the powerful distinction between expectation and intention and the role that they play on the experience. Breathwork induces an altered state and in this state powerful changes can be made. It is with care, responsibility and above all trust that the practitioner / client relationship here is used in a positive way. Learn what methods to use, the setting of the environment, the role of external and internal factors on the outcome. You’ll learn how to: Use movement to “transition” between states, if your client comes carrying stress or worry into a session. Help your client safely share the experience, express their emotions, facilitate growth and healing, and create lasting results. Include additional steps to improve the breathwork experience and ease your client into an ongoing breathwork practice. Lasting change does not often happen in one session. Your role as a practitioner is to help clients create a lasting practice. This is where real change occurs.
  • Peak Experience
    American psychologist Abraham Maslow dedicated his life to learning about Peak Experiences (PEs). He wanted to know how those moments of bliss happened, what caused them, and if he could create those at will. Colin Wilson, Maslow's apprentice, gathered his mentor's findings and shared them in a book, Super Consciousness. In the book, he says one of the most reliable ways to create Peak Experiences is through the breath. (A near death experience will do the trick, but many of us don't have that "luxury" every day.) Now, you may have practiced breathwork. In some cases, you may have experienced that it makes you feel different. Sounds are clearer. Colors are brighter. Mind is still. It feels like a sense of "bliss". This is what Maslow calls Peak Experience. In other cases, you may feel like breathwork is intense, unearths certain memories, and feels “hard” in the moment. Same breathing, different results. Why? The difference is due to four primary factors: rate, rhythm, depth, tone. We assess those four factors in depth, and learn how we can modify each to create specific results. We also dive deep into the changes that happen in your body during and after breathwork. In this module, you'll learn about: Brain activity. You'll understand how breathwork changes neural activity and how it can be influenced with the four factors mentioned above. Brainwaves. Learn how brainwaves move from beta to alpha, and even to Theta or Delta. Each wavelength is indicative of a certain state. These states are associated with creativity, relaxation, and even dream-like states or detached awareness. The Wim Hof Method has been shown to induce Gamma wavelengths, which brings with it a state of bliss "indescribable by words", as the practitioner described it! Neurotransmitters. Breathwork releases endorphins, dopamine, and possibly dimethyltryptamine (DMT). These can induce light, peaceful states all the way to psychedelic experiences. You’ll also explore some Eastern wisdom on breath, particularly: Energy centers and chakras: how these chakras relate to nerve plexuses, and how to use these nerve centers to move energy from the body, release stagnant energy and enter a state of peak consciousness. *NOTE: The study of the Peak Experience can be somewhat speculative, however we will dive into the evidence behind the proposed mechanism of action. Maslow dedicated his entire life to studying PEs, and he didn't find a "concrete" answer.
  • Initial Offer Framework
    Being able to work with a wide variety of clients on a wide variety of issues comes down to having repeatable frameworks. Breathwork is not a one size fits all approach, it requires personalisation. You will come away from this module understanding how to support your clients to meet their health and performance goals. So whether you are working with the stressed out CEO, the high performing athlete, the anxious new mum or the individual wanting to deepen their self connection, you will have confidence, competence and clarity.
  • Packaging Your Offer
    Now that you are confident and competent in your understanding and application of the breath, you will learn exactly how to find your ideal clients. What good is a tool that you are unable to share with others? It took me years of trial and error and investing over $20,000 to learn effective strategies for finding, acquiring and retaining clients. In this module we are going to define the 3Ps (Person, Problem, Promise) and help you craft a unique offer that combines your skills and experience with the knowledge gained inside this program. We will work with you to define your niche, craft and share your offer, use value based pricing and effective marketing methods for finding your first or next client. Most health practitioners are stuck using a transactional model. However, switching to a transformational model helps them to have more impact and more income. You will receive multiple handouts and worksheets so you can get absolutely CLEAR on who it is you are going to help, and how you are going to help them. You will learn the power of education in addition to experience. Most people are on a search for practical knowledge that helps them solve a problem, and you now hold that knowledge. In the final stages of the Functional and Therapeutic Breathwork Training you will learn that you don’t just offer breathwork but you offer transformation. This is what people are searching for. By positioning your services as the vehicle that takes someone from where they are now (current situation), to where they want to be (desired situation), it is an easy decision for them to invest in your services. Whether you are hoping to create a brand new offer for a brand new client, or wishing to weave breathwork into your current offering. We will work together to put together a program that guarantees you get your clients the results they desire.



"Best course I've ever done. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I went in really wanting the science behind breathwork and I got much more than what I bargained for. The community he's created is beautiful and even down to the platform he uses to host the course has been really easy to navigate."

- Kathleen, Yoga Teacher & Healer 


“I've been a yoga teacher for 15 years. I've been doing bodywork for 20 years. I'm so grateful that I signed up. The course has been incredible. The materials are amazing. So informative. In every session, Campbell takes us deeper and deeper into understanding the physiology of what's happening in our bodies as we breathe, and a deeper exploration of more specific breathing techniques, and making sure we know how to teach safely. It was honestly one of the best trainings I've done in the last decade.

- Helen, Bodyworker & Yoga Teacher


"Campbell is really informative, keeps things simple and passionate about what he does. I learned about the physiology, autonomic nervous system, etc. and how dysfunctional breathing affects the body. It turns out that I've been affected by dysfunctional breathing myself. The solution to my health was here on this course so that was an incredible bonus. The community itself and people who took part in the course were just as enthusiastic, it was absolutely brilliant.

- Paul French, Addiction Specialist + Breathwork Facilitator


"Within the consulting room, as an osteopath, I find myself identifying dysfunctional breathing regularly. It's almost always associated with high-stress, high-anxiety people, and I can just give them some simple cues to get them breathing more functionally. Within the half an hour I'm with them, they feel lower stress levels, often less pain. It's been super powerful for me. Now I have my own arsenal of breathwork techniques that I can use for myself or for clients."

- Kieren, Osteopath


“I feel so much more confident in teaching my students about the breath, while also giving them the tools to bring breath into their everyday lives, when they're not on the yoga mat. 


- Sarah, Yoga Teacher


"One of the things that's been instrumental in the way I now deliver my breathwork practices that I've learned is how functional breathing affects and connects everything that we do and how we show up in the world. I plan to continue using it with my bodywork clients, and it has made me a more well rounded bodyworker. It really connects me with my clients, and allows them to reset their nervous system, which can help me customize a more impactful bodywork session with them. It's been a wonderful and enriching program!"


- Nakia, Bodyworker


"The amount of information that Campbell manages to fit into this program is phenomenal. Not only is it engaging but he has this ability to break down information for everyone to understand. I can't recommend this training highly enough, it should be taught in school. So if you're thinking about it, go for it." 

- Grant, Breath Coach


"Campbell gave me the tools and the science behind the breath that I can use with my clients to help them down regulate and make better decisions for themselves. These are tools that every coach or practitioner should have in their back pocket."

- Melody, Mental Fitness & Life Coach

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Campbell has managed to strike an amazing balance in providing an immense amount of valuable and relevant information while also keeping things concise and practical. I have such a better understanding of exactly the WHY and HOW of the power of breathwork. I have learned so much for myself and have much more confidence in helping others as well. Campbell is always super accessible and has tons of great resources, I couldn't recommend this program enough! 


- Stephen, Breathwork Facilitator

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The breathwork strategies Campbell gave me 1-1 was life-changing, so as a Faculty Manager I wanted to learn these strategies to help others. Anyone and everyone should do this course, because Campbell breaks it down into such a scaffolded way of learning around all the different components of breathwork. Campbell enables you to actually, at the end of the course, think "wow I've filled myself with knowledge to make people's lives better".

- Mel, School Faculty Manager

I am amazed at how functional breathwork has been a key component of bringing all my tools together to help my clients who are living with chronic pain. Campbell is a gifted teacher who has vast knowledge, and he always has a way of explaining things to help it land with everyone. He always helps apply it to your own situation as a practitioner. I recommend this to anyone who wants to find that missing link.

- Barb, Massage Therapist & Yoga Therapist

View our team of F+T Breathwork Facilitators here.


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Senior Physiotherapist

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  • Anatomy & Biomechanics
    Module one covers the journey of the breath starting from the entry points: mouth and nose. It is estimated that 30-50% of people in the world breathe through the mouth. This negatively impacts oral health, nervous system balance, posture and physiology. Conversely, nasal breathing is what we are evolutionarily and biologically designed to do. It benefits the body by improving diaphragm recruitment, optimising blood chemistry, and utilising a "miracle molecule" called nitric oxide. You'll learn how to improve diaphragm range of motion and function, and help your clients reap the benefits of diaphragmatic breathing: improved core and posture, enhanced cardiovascular and lymphatic function and even improved digestion. Exercises Inside the Practitioner Program, you will learn exercises to restore and retrain diaphragm function, such as how to find and reboot your diaphragm, plus a ribcage exercise and thoracic mobility.
  • Physiology and Biochemistry
    To master breathwork, you must understand the breath's journey: not just from outside the body to inside, but also its journey throughout the body and into your cells. This is the difference between ventilation and respiration. Understanding the role of carbon dioxide is absolutely vital in breathwork. CO2 is not "waste" as we’re so often taught. It has many important functions, but can also create problems. Improper breathing disrupts CO2 balance. This changes the pH of the blood and feels unsettling for most people—like stress or anxiety, and causes the brain to be on high alert. This is an extremely overlooked cause as to why many people live in a constant state of stress. How do you solve this? By increasing CO2 tolerance. To increase CO2 tolerance, you must first establish a baseline by measuring it. You will learn two assessments to establish your clients’ CO2 tolerance: BOLT score and Max Exhale Test. Additional exercises on increasing Nitric Oxide and using the "Physiological Sigh" are also covered.
  • Nervous System
    The relationship between the nervous system and the breath is critical. It starts with the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS is responsible for functions in the body outside of conscious control. For example, heart rate, digestion, and cellular repair. Because the ANS performs functions outside of our control, it is thought that we can't control the ANS. However, there's one ANS regulator we can consciously use: The breath. By controlling the breath, we are able to influence the autonomic nervous system. This means, helping direct the body to perform the processes outside our conscious control! This is one of the most effective skills you can have for yourself and others. Why? Because many people live in a state of constant stress. Our defenses are up all the time. Traffic, news, meetings, emails, all keeping our nervous system engaged as if we are being chased by a predator. This destroys our health. In a state of stress, the body’s repair systems are im paired. We lose energy, strength and vitality. Processes of recovery are neglected. The solution requires two parts. First, your client must have simple tools they can use at any time to influence the nervous system. You will learn two effective exercises for that: Up + Down Regulation, and Tummo Breathing Practice.
  • Emotions
    There is an intimate link between emotional states and respiratory patterns. When we are upset, we breathe a certain way. When we are excited, we breathe in a different way. Emotions are the driver of much of our behaviours. Unfortunately many of us have low emotional IQ, finding it difficult to differentiate between emotions. Am I angry or frustrated? People find it even more difficult to shift from one emotional state to another. Many practices tell you to "think positive" or "distract yourself". But the most effective way to deal with this is to go to the cause. That is, to actively shift the emotional state. Breathwork is a powerful tool in shifting between states and being able access and release ‘stuck’ emotions. Inside Functional and Therapeutic Breathwork, you'll find a set of exercises based on the principles of emotional regulation, such as an exercise called 'Open + Expand // Relax + Let Go'. Aside from mental wellbeing, there's one key reason why emotional regulation is critical for a state of optimal health. Coherence. This is when your body's systems interact harmoniously. Depleting emotions make our systems incoherent. The heart sends chaotic signals to the brain. We may experience this as anxiety or overwhelm. We can't think clearly, remember things, or make effective decisions. Coherence, on the other hand, feels like a sense of peace. Like the body and mind are working together. Like everything is happening as it should. Teaching clients to shift into a state of coherence allows for better decision making, emotional flexibility and a sense of calm amidst the chaos. The beauty is that when we repeatedly do something, we adapt to it. Helping your clients establish an ongoing, consistent practice will help to create a new baseline.
  • Performance & Recovery
    Breathwork is not just a conscious practice for emotional regulation and accessing altered states. It is also the fundamental basis of how to perform at our peak, and recover just as effectively. Unfortunately dysfunctional breathing is extremely prevalent in the athletic community. Whether someone is a beginner to exercise and looking to improve their cardiovascular health, or an elite level athlete looking to optimise their performance, breath is a critical (and overlooked) piece of the puzzle. We will learn how exercise can be a potent antidepressant, but how dysfunctional breathing can halt someone in their tracks before reaping the benefits. We will learn about the importance of intra-abdominal pressure, breath control, intermittent hypoxia and the phenomenon of blood stealing. You’ll learn how to teach someone an effective ‘gear’ system to optimise their breathing, energy production and waste management. We will look at simple but powerful assessments of ‘positional faults’ that commonly occur when someone lacks optimal control of their diaphragm. Just think - if you can’t effectively breathe in a certain position, you don’t have control of that position. This will lead us to the prescription of certain exercises to improve postural and respiratory control. How well someone performs is 100% dependent on how well they recover. Far too much emphasis is put on performance, with not enough on recovery. You will learn powerful strategies for reducing heart rate and blood pressure, managing blood flow, and shifting the nervous system into a state of recovery.
  • Safety
    I've been a physiotherapist for 10+ years. And I've seen pretty much every breathwork program out there. Most of them ignore the safety aspect. Breathwork does not need to be intense. Breathwork should not be one size fits all. You should learn to create a tailored approach for everyone you work with. That's why, inside Functional and Therapeutic Breathwork, we have a whole module dedicated to safety. In this module, you’ll learn: What types of breathwork should not be used with pregnant women, epilepsy patients, and patients with serious cardiovascular disease. How to appropriately support people who suffer from panic attacks, high anxiety, high blood pressure, migraines, severe trauma. How to help clients or patients with PTSD or trauma symptoms. (And how to recognise your own limitations as a facilitator and when to refer to dedicated professionals in this space) You’ll know how to create the right environment so your clients have a positive experience. Learning how to: "Read" the energy of the room and create a meaningful experience. Understand the role of music to facilitate emotional release, a relaxing experience, or a powerful reset. Use your pitch and tonality to create an auditory landscape for the experiences you create. We dive into the cause of common “symptoms” that breathwork practitioners are likely going to experience, such as: Tetany (muscle cramps, primarily in the hands). Why it happens, how to prevent it, and how to manage it if it comes up. Lightheadedness, dizziness, and physical tension. Fear, anxiety, apprehension And you’ll also learn a great exercise to release emotional tension.
  • Tools & Application
    Many breathwork techniques have limited application. They can only be practiced in a controlled environment: with the “right” music, laying down, and with no distractions. But what happens when someone is having a difficult conversation? Or they’re in a difficult situation at work? Or experiencing anxiety? Or low energy? You can’t always shut yourself off in a room, lock the door, kill the lights, and lay down on the floor to do a 30 minute breath session. Effective breathwork works anywhere, anytime, no matter the external situation. Inside Functional and Therapeutic Breathwork, you’ll learn how to adapt breathwork to your client’s needs, so they can use it in when they actually need it. Something we feel strongly about at Breath Body Therapy is the difference between principles and methods. You will be learning the principles that underlie all breathwork methods. You will learn several techniques that help with specific interventions, such as cyclical hyperventilation, buteyko breathing + resonance frequency breathing.
  • Guidance & Faciliation
    Now we begin to expand on what is covered in Modules 6 and 7. Breathwork is not only a science, but also an art. Yes, there’s an ideal structure for breathwork, just like there is for yoga, music, exercise. But you, as the individual facilitator can influence breathwork and tailor it to your client’s needs, for the results you aim to create for them. You’ll learn the powerful distinction between expectation and intention and the role that they play on the experience. Breathwork induces an altered state and in this state powerful changes can be made. It is with care, responsibility and above all trust that the practitioner / client relationship here is used in a positive way. Learn what methods to use, the setting of the environment, the role of external and internal factors on the outcome. You’ll learn how to: Use movement to “transition” between states, if your client comes carrying stress or worry into a session. Help your client safely share the experience, express their emotions, facilitate growth and healing, and create lasting results. Include additional steps to improve the breathwork experience and ease your client into an ongoing breathwork practice. Lasting change does not often happen in one session. Your role as a practitioner is to help clients create a lasting practice. This is where real change occurs.
  • Peak Experience
    American psychologist Abraham Maslow dedicated his life to learning about Peak Experiences (PEs). He wanted to know how those moments of bliss happened, what caused them, and if he could create those at will. Colin Wilson, Maslow's apprentice, gathered his mentor's findings and shared them in a book, Super Consciousness. In the book, he says one of the most reliable ways to create Peak Experiences is through the breath. (A near death experience will do the trick, but many of us don't have that "luxury" every day.) Now, you may have practiced breathwork. In some cases, you may have experienced that it makes you feel different. Sounds are clearer. Colors are brighter. Mind is still. It feels like a sense of "bliss". This is what Maslow calls Peak Experience. In other cases, you may feel like breathwork is intense, unearths certain memories, and feels “hard” in the moment. Same breathing, different results. Why? The difference is due to four primary factors: rate, rhythm, depth, tone. We assess those four factors in depth, and learn how we can modify each to create specific results. We also dive deep into the changes that happen in your body during and after breathwork. In this module, you'll learn about: Brain activity. You'll understand how breathwork changes neural activity and how it can be influenced with the four factors mentioned above. Brainwaves. Learn how brainwaves move from beta to alpha, and even to Theta or Delta. Each wavelength is indicative of a certain state. These states are associated with creativity, relaxation, and even dream-like states or detached awareness. The Wim Hof Method has been shown to induce Gamma wavelengths, which brings with it a state of bliss "indescribable by words", as the practitioner described it! Neurotransmitters. Breathwork releases endorphins, dopamine, and possibly dimethyltryptamine (DMT). These can induce light, peaceful states all the way to psychedelic experiences. You’ll also explore some Eastern wisdom on breath, particularly: Energy centers and chakras: how these chakras relate to nerve plexuses, and how to use these nerve centers to move energy from the body, release stagnant energy and enter a state of peak consciousness. *NOTE: The study of the Peak Experience can be somewhat speculative, however we will dive into the evidence behind the proposed mechanism of action. Maslow dedicated his entire life to studying PEs, and he didn't find a "concrete" answer.
  • Initial Offer Framework
    Being able to work with a wide variety of clients on a wide variety of issues comes down to having repeatable frameworks. Breathwork is not a one size fits all approach, it requires personalisation. You will come away from this module understanding how to support your clients to meet their health and performance goals. So whether you are working with the stressed out CEO, the high performing athlete, the anxious new mum or the individual wanting to deepen their self connection, you will have confidence, competence and clarity.
  • Packaging Your Offer
    Now that you are confident and competent in your understanding and application of the breath, you will learn exactly how to find your ideal clients. What good is a tool that you are unable to share with others? It took me years of trial and error and investing over $20,000 to learn effective strategies for finding, acquiring and retaining clients. In this module we are going to define the 3Ps (Person, Problem, Promise) and help you craft a unique offer that combines your skills and experience with the knowledge gained inside this program. We will work with you to define your niche, craft and share your offer, use value based pricing and effective marketing methods for finding your first or next client. Most health practitioners are stuck using a transactional model. However, switching to a transformational model helps them to have more impact and more income. You will receive multiple handouts and worksheets so you can get absolutely CLEAR on who it is you are going to help, and how you are going to help them. You will learn the power of education in addition to experience. Most people are on a search for practical knowledge that helps them solve a problem, and you now hold that knowledge. In the final stages of the Functional and Therapeutic Breathwork Training you will learn that you don’t just offer breathwork but you offer transformation. This is what people are searching for. By positioning your services as the vehicle that takes someone from where they are now (current situation), to where they want to be (desired situation), it is an easy decision for them to invest in your services. Whether you are hoping to create a brand new offer for a brand new client, or wishing to weave breathwork into your current offering. We will work together to put together a program that guarantees you get your clients the results they desire.
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